Product >> Laser Cutting >> Profiter Jewel
Profiter Jewel takes advantage of the best laser technologies from laser world from the past 50 years. Our design innovation, harmonized with latest fiber laser technology adding by our experience in laser processing have challenged our team to invent the first debut for laser cutting system for jewelry manufacturer. The innovation will replace current traditional laser cutting technology into a very cost effectiveness manner.
The Most reliable fiber laser sourse is integrated with a high precision X-Y-Z driving an auto focus cutting head to fly and cut over various metal sheets.
The work sheet can be loaded on a table and automatically drivento a safe cutting room. The oprator simply sets CAD/CAM to cut a sample within very short time. Is the most advantage among other systems in the market.
Why Profiter Jewel
Profiter Jewel has been carefully developed to completely eliminate traditional CO2 , Nd:YAG disadvantage on consumables and high maintenance cost. The CO2 laser cutting system disadvantage includes a lot more complicate optical arrangements and set up time than the fiber laser.
• High Beam Quality:Fiber laser has the best beam quality while its lasing at 10 times smaller wavelength. Therefore, the focused spot is 1/10th of the CO2 which makes approx. 100 times higher power density (brighter).
• Cut Faster:the brighter focused spot will cut better speed, approx 1 kilowatt fiber laser provides same cutting speed as 3 kilowatt CO2 on the same cutting thickness.
• Easy:the fiber delivery cable is typically designed for plug in and play providing flexibility to power to remote processing heads, eg; cutting, welding heads. It is significantly reduces hours of set up and alignment time found on traditional CO2 laser cutting system.
• Save:It is considered to be Green Power which has up to 25-30% wall plug efficiency; the highest in today’s technology compared to 5-7 % efficiency from those CO2, Nd:YAG. Another huge advantage is No consumables.
• Smaller Foot Print:The space becomes a big factor in today’s real estate business growth. Typically, CO2 requires 10 times bigger in volume and 3-5 times in floor plan.
• High Power:Today, Fiber laser could be easily offered at multi kilowatt ranges up to 30 -100 kilowatts. The fiber laser is the most advance and proven technology in today known by laser people.
The best horse is integrated to Profiter Jewel
Metrail Sample Metal
such as:- Steel
- Brass
- Copper
- Platinum
- Gold
- Silver
- Titanium
- Stainlesss steel
- Aluminum
Profiter SM
Metrail Sample Metal
such as:- Steel
- Brass
- Copper
- Platinum
- Gold
- Silver
- Titanium
- Stainlesss steel
- Aluminum
Metrail Sample Acrylic
Paper cards
Other types of wood
Other non-metal