
Recommended high quality CO2 lenses from Ophir

Ophir's CO2 laser lenses are available in 3 grades :


Can be selected by grade. To suit the application


Chapter 2 : Low Absorption Lens or LA Lens

2. Low absorption coating: Black Magic
Low Absorption ZnSe Lenses for High-Power CO2 Lasers


- Best ability to withstand back spatter
- Easier to clean and maintain
- Excels in cutting aluminum and stainless steel
- Absorption (Guaranteed) ≤ 0.15%
- High durability available
- Reflection resistant
- Humidity resistant

This black lens is an innovative lens. The most advanced of the Co2 lenses, which are the only ones in the world, Ophir’s specially designed for metal, aluminum and steel. This lens is resistant to metal contamination. Most compared to all grades. And a low absorbent lens is only ≥0.15% guaranteed. The lower the absorption, the better the quality of laser cutting. Reduce the problem of heat (Heat) to it. ***

Cons of only a little. There will be no red beams. May be unfamiliar with the Japanese laser machine. But on the other hand, it has no effect on the European laser. Because it will not exist.

Can be selected to suit the focus with 3 options :

1. Focus 5” suitable for thin cutting 1-5 mm

2. Focus 7.5” suitable for medium thickness 6-15 mm

3. Focus 10” ideal for cutting to a thickness of 16-25mm


*** Unless the problem can be caused by other causes, then the effect.